Erotic Novels

Until recently, mainstream publishers generally steered clear of straight-forward erotica. But in the wake of Fifty Shades, x-rated novels are flooding bookstore shelves and finding their way into e-readers. From Scottish highlanders to louche New York socialites, from art patrons to futuristic CEOs to rugged military commandos, these stories offer readers a wide range of titillating escapades and sexual explorations, as well as heart-breaking love stories. This Link:

The Forbidden Rendezvous

From the sexy slice-of-life tale of a 17-year-old girl’s affair with a handsome college student to the erotic retelling of Ovid’s Iphis and Ianthe, these stories are as diverse as they are erotic. Some blur the lines between genre and literary fiction, like the louche postwar Parisian novelist George Plimpton’s Forever…, which is as much about first love and carnal desire as it is about seduction.

Other erotic novels feature explicitly depicted sexy scenes, like the sexy romance novel Fifty Shades of Grey and the bestselling After series by Audrey Carlan. These works often have a healthy balance between plot and spice, so readers can enjoy the story and characters while also having the option of skipping over the more explicit passages.

While the most prominent features in these erotic novels are those related to explicitness, a larger cluster of items focuses on the narrative and character development (Comp 1; M = 4.25; SD = 0.53). This finding challenges the assumption that erotic novels are simply literary pornography aimed at a female readership, and it suggests that these books are not only a guilty pleasure but are also an important part of a larger narrative.